Be a Good Training Buddy: Encourage and support others. If someone feels uncomfortable, listen to them and help find a solution.
Respect Everyone: Treat all teammates, instructors, and visitors with respect, regardless of their background, skill level, or other differences.
Train Smart: Use controlled strength and stop immediately when your partner taps. When sparring, follow the lower belt’s rules unless agreed otherwise.
Maintain Hygiene: Wear clean training gear, keep your nails short, and stay home if you’re sick. Let’s keep the mats and training area clean!
Know Your Limits: If something hurts or feels wrong, stop. Inform your instructor of any injuries or conditions – your health is always the priority.
Focus on the Day’s Technique: Allow the instructor to teach without interruption and stick to the topic of the class. While there are different styles and variations, focus on practicing the version being taught.
Avoid Interruptions: Save conversations for after class and don’t talk over the instructor. At the end of the session, leave the mat promptly so the next class can start on time.
Guests and Visitors: Martial artists from other gyms are always welcome. You can also bring friends to observe a class. Children are welcome to watch from the sidelines but must stay safe and not disrupt training.
Embrace Feedback: Everyone learns through mistakes. Feedback from instructors and training partners helps you grow – don’t be afraid to ask questions or accept suggestions.
Zero Tolerance for Harassment: Sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination are strictly prohibited, even as jokes. If you experience or witness any of these, report it immediately to an instructor or the leadership team.
Enjoy Your Training: This is a sport where we strive to improve, but it’s also about having fun. Everyone contributes to a positive atmosphere!
Communicating with the Instructor: Feel free to discuss any of these matters with the instructor after class in private. You can also email us at All matters are handled confidentially, and if desired, anonymously. Repeated violations of these rules may result in removal from the club.
Responsible Persons: Heikki Huttunen and Jari Anttila ,
Mikkeli 27.11.2024